To be honest, It was the very first time i heard and saw about black potatoes yesterday.
It was interesting, my colleagues said it was very good to consumed by someone who got diabetes.
This little tiny black potatoes is tasteless. And maybe for the first bite, it tastes bitter.
For the size, they told it won't bigger than this. ^^
Here is the pic:
It was interesting, my colleagues said it was very good to consumed by someone who got diabetes.
This little tiny black potatoes is tasteless. And maybe for the first bite, it tastes bitter.
For the size, they told it won't bigger than this. ^^
Here is the pic:
Ealah.. aku ya baru tau lho ada kentang item gini, karbo-nya lebih rendah dari kentang biasa ya ?
ReplyDeletehoho..sama jie...ak ya baru pertama kali liat...katanya sih iya karbo-nya lbh rendah^^