Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I got a very important health information in this early molnink.
I started my day with a yummy molnink snack, then I posted a status in my facebook with tagline: this Tango sugar free is yummy!!!, en I recieved a comment from one of my fren and it was a usefull information *thx Gun*.
He remained me to beware of sugar free snacks, coz it consists of aspartame or maybe saccharin and cyclamete which is danger for our health.
Fortuantely, i already checked the ingredient when I bought it. There was a note in front of the packagingnya: "Sugar Free: aspartame, saccharin, cyclamate = 0%", and it supposed to be free of these 3 ingredients, didn't it???
As I always avoid to consume aspartame coz i am controlling my food input referred to Dr. Peter A'damo'b book: Diet Berdasarkan Golongan Darah O in last a year, aspartame is not gut for people with O blood type.

The sweet taste of this Tango sugar free is from Isomalt. Isomalt is a sugar substitute and a sugar alcohol that is processed from real sugar made from beets. And Beets are edible plants native to the Mediterranean. They are grown all over the world, since they are easy to grow and they thrive in most climates, although they do not appreciate extreme cold or heat (source:

Well, based of the information, I think Isomalt is quite save, rite??? ^^
Yang satu ini whewwww totally yummy!!! (teutep yaaaaa kl uda nyangkut makanan hometown..qeqe). Egg tart (tart susu) yang satu ini uenaq banget dengan fla susu di tengahnya yang tebel en lembut. Beda banget dengan pie susu khas Bali yang fla susu yang tipis banget cenderung kering di bagian tengahnya. Well, pie susu Bali enak tapi Egg Tart ponti uenaqqqq pol....*narziz mode on*...haha
Noted: hanya pendapat untuk membandingkan 2 jenis tart susu yang serupa tp tidak sama, tidak bermaksud untuk menghina/merendahkan taste yang lain...*peace yo*

Here is the pic of Khuntien Egg Tart!
Gw mao show off salah makanan yang selalu buat gw ngidam. This hometown food is very delicious. Ga ada nama unik ato khusus tuk sate yang satu ini, kita2 biasanya cuma bilang Sate ponti...hehehe...di surabaya boleh terkenal dengan sate kelapanya yaitu sate yang dibakar dengan parutan kelapa.
Kalo sate ponti ini khasnya di kuahnya, umumnya sate cm dikasih bumbu kacang, nah kalo ini selain lontong, sate daging sapi/ayam, bumbu kacang, trus juga disiram dengan kuah iga sapi. ehmmmm it's complete and totally yummy...
Here is the pic!