Well, sebelumnya gw jarang banget tertarik untuk mengkonsumsi berbagai jenis makanan kesehatan yang ditawarkan oleh berbagai brand MLM. Dan pertama kali gw denger produk ini dari tmn via YM beberapa bulan yang lalu, dia cm share info kalo dia konsumsi melilea dan cocok, merasa lebih sehat dan bisa menurunkan berat badan sampe 8 kg dalam waktu 4 bulan. Hal yang cukup menarik tp belom menarik gw untuk membeli dan coba untuk mengkonsumsinya.
Sampe 2 minggu lalu, pas iseng gw browsing informasi mengenai produk ini dan gak tau kenapa ngerasa pengen coba minum produk ini. Mungkin karna komposisi makanan organic di dalamnya ato Mungkin gw lagi niat banget turunin berat badan sebyk 3 kg. hehe......
Dan hari ini hari ke5 gw mnm Melilea Greenfield dan belum ada efek signifikan yang gw rasakan seperti pencernaan dan pembuangan yang jauh lebih lancar ato penurunan berat badan yang drastis.
Tapi yang pasti minuman ini dapat memberikan rasa kenyang. Dan makan malam gw bisa hanya dengan minum ini, dengan takaran 1 sendok + 300 ml air dingin.
Setiap hari gw minum 2 kali di pagi dan sore.
Hi, is that really true can lose weight??? i am hoping to lose weight for my coming engagement :( i saw all yer pic very slim. r u taking melilea to lose weight?
ReplyDeleteheilo there...i am a newbie in consuming melilea. it's just one week i begin consume it.
ReplyDeleteunfortunately, i haven't had a significan of loosing weight. but i think, if u consume it regurally, u will have a very gut effect to your health and u can loosing weight too.
Icic. Can i be your friend? i love to read yer blog. :)
ReplyDeleteof course :)
ReplyDeletewelcome u anytime in my blog :)
Ada yg punya penggemar ni yee :P
ReplyDeleteOya, try their soya milk too.. taste good, bagus buat kulit juga ^^
Yup, i also heard a lot abt Melilea soya milk...i should try it, i think ^^
ReplyDeletehi krisni, do u see any significant of losing weight with this product? hehe, thanks!!!!!
ReplyDeleteheilo there...ehm i didn't take it regularly and continously in my diet program.
ReplyDeletefor significant result, i will say No. But it is definately help me in reduce weight, i think about 1,5 kg.
i came to this blog by googling for melilea effect (or side effect if there's any),
ReplyDeletei'm currently overweight, off the chart (literally over any number in the scale). my sis give me this product, and i consume it for 2 days, stop and after a couple of days, i take another 5 consecutive days.
i'm back in the scale now, losing more than 6kg in less than 2 weeks, it really is unbelievable. trying to look if anyone has the same result, but i found it might depends on your current weight and eating habit.